Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, April 16, 2005

A Week to Remember

- Its been awhile since I've updated because I've just been so dang busy, so I'll make it a good one.

- Snow day on Monday. It was a nice break. Didn't do much all day beyond chillin at the Ingrams house for a good portion of the afternoon. It was nice to just get out.

- Baaaston was incredible. I experienced a ton of new things and learned a lot as well as having just a good old time. Our hotel was right in the middle of downtown in the Parker something House which is the oldest opperating hotel in the US. Boston, as it turns out, has the oldest of just about everything. I was really excited upon observing the luxury and beauty of the lobby to see our room and view but was I ever severly dissappointed. Our room was the size and luxury equivalent of a cruise ship room but thats ok I guess; we spent about as much time in it as we did on the cruise.

- Everything was within walking distance in the most gorgeous old city I've ever been in which made for an experience in itself. We took the freedom trail through downtown that took us to some of the more famous and historical sites of the city. Because it was a weekday there were litterally no tourists on the entire walk. It was wonderful. We had all the sites all to our selves. On that little adventure I'd have to say my favorite attractions would be a tie between the Old North Church where they put the lights in the steeple to warn of the British invasion and the Bunker Hill Memorial which was a lot like the Washington monument but without an elevator inside to get to the top. The Old North Church was the most beautiful church I've ever been and it suprises me that its in such great shape considering its still used for services to this day. I can see why they used the steeple for the warning light location. It towered over all the other buildings with the exception of the skyscrappers and you could see it for miles. The Bunker Hill Memorial was a pleasant suprise because I didn't even know there was a Bunker Hill memorial. 294 steps to get to the top. A lot of work but the ensuing view was more than worth it. I've got some pictures if I can figure out how to get them posted.

- Without a doubt though, the highlight of the trip came at the end of our day of exploring. We hopped on the Subway down to Fenway park praying that there was a chance we could find somebody scalping at a reasonable price. Things didn't look so hot however because when we stepped off the Subway the sidewalks were lined with, instead of people selling tickets, people asking to buy tickets. I really wanted to go really really bad so I kept my hopes up and we trucked on. We got all the way to the ballpark ticketless and we considered giving up, but I was sure there was still a glimmer of hope getting in. My heart must have jumped out of my chest when a guy approached us asking us if we needed tickets. He wanted 60 bucks for bleacher seats that originally costed 12 but my dad talked him down to 50 bucks apiece. I hate people like that guy because he whipped out what must of been 50 tickets and handed us three. It was worth the little extra cash though because watching the Red Socks play the Yankees in Fenway park is something I recommend to everbody to do before they die. I'm not a huge baseball fan but I couldn't help but cheer and whoop and hollar on every swing of the bat. The game was made even more sweet because Shilling was pitching for the socks. He's really something. Didn't play particualarly well after the 4th inning but I got to see the fire before they pulled him as he struck out 5 batters in 3 innings. I left the game with my life enhanced and one of the must do before I die items crossed off my list.

- My dad flew the plane that I took back to Denver and that was a unique experience in itself. A note to anybody I may happen to fly with in the future; Just because I'm the pilots son doesn't mean I know what that squeeling sound is before takeoff. It wasn't so bad. The lady I sat next to reminded me of my grandma with a thick Northeastern accent.

- So I got back to Denver and went to school Friday. I missed a lot and I'm going to be paying for this trip academically for the remandier of my highschool carrer. Its ok. Its like Jordan said, I'll remember this trip more than I will a couple days of school.

- To make my school problems even worse, I missed half of a cat dissection last period Friday because I had to leave school to go to a Jazz competition downtown. We did really well. The edjudicators loved our preformance after they had systematically ripped apart other bands that I though did a little bit better than us. My song, Journey From the Shadowlands went well. My solo was well devoloped and even though I thought I could have done better, everyone else including the judges said it sounded great. Good. I hope I get another chance . I don't think I lived up to my potential.

- And that brings me to today. I've got play practice from 4-10. Thats gonna suck. I'm working on my lines a little but I've just got so dang many that I don't think its gonna go so smoothly. Que Sara though right? Its all good.


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