Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

One can certainly imagine the myraid of uses for a hand-held iguana maker...

Its turning out to be a good week so far. Its nice having things to look foward to to help pass the boring hours a little quicker.

- March 15 is usually kind of a rough day for me because it marks the aniversary of the beggining of the most turbulent relationship of my life that lasted a lot longer than it should have. Its kind of turning into a day of reflection for me to look into my past so I don't have to the other 364 days of the year. I learned a lot from that relationship and, if nothing else, and it taught me a lot about myself love, and life in general. Good ridance.

- A couple of days ago Kristen was telling me about how a song on the radio totally turned her day around and how its these little things in life that are so precious. Since then I too have been makin an effort to truely appreciate these simple things; from the smell of a nice guitar, the way the sun turns that golden color during sunset, the sophisticated innocence of the humor in Calvin and Hobbes. Its really liberating. I recomend it as a cure all for a bad day. Just take a look at the little blessings and stop taking life so dang seriously. Too many friends of mine are all up in the teen angst scene and take the little problems out of proportion. Of course there are those that are legitimatly dealing with though things and of course they are in my prayers, but we all gotta learn just to put things in perspective.

Thus ends The Philosophical Hour with Jay

Have a great week everyone.


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