Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Rat Race Begins

- So, everythings really kinda stressful right now. I think its just because I'd rather be able to be an irresponsable bum and just go out and do what I like everynight and not have to answer to an attendance office if I didn't feel motivated. Schools knockin my game. I chose bad days to miss for my Boston trip but again, I'm not regretting it.

- It was a busy go go go kind of weekend but not a bad one nonetheless. I woke up in the morning and slowly got ready for the day. A little bit of investigating in the form of a really really excited 6 year old informed me it was somebody's birthday and I had forgotten a present. So I took off to the mall to find something spectacular and convinced Kristen to go with me. I'm a really bad gift giver so Kristen enlisted the help of her mom (who is like, the coolest mom btw) to think of something creative and unique. With her help I settled on a book by Doctor Seiuse where Jenna writes all these cool things about her self like what animal noises she can make and how many buttons she owns. Kristen showed me hers from when she was kid. It cracked me up. She was a funny little kid.

- Well after that we ate lunch, then I headed home and put in about an hours worth of time learning lines and took off to church for a 6 hour drama session. It was fun. I love everyone at church because they're all so doggon fun to be around. Jana got mad at me for wearing my Boston Red Socks shirt but Courtney was helping me represent. She's so lucky she gets to go to college in Boston. I wish I was smart enough to get money to go somewhere out of state. I love Colorado, don't get me wrong, but I think going to college somewhere else would be a life enhancing experience. Anyway, back on topic. Considering the time I spent on my lines I thought I did a pretty decent job. The hour's study learned the first 2 scenes for me and I already knew the 3rd, so I was covered until the one part of the play where I'm not on stage. I studied up my remaining lines with Brandon in the kitchen and when the time arose I ventured forth and took them to town. Ok, so I screwed em all up, but at least I didn't have to rely completely on a script. The night ended on kind of a sour note as Phyliss sat there and lectured us on discipline when, to my unbiased perception, discipline had been excelent all night. People kept up good attitudes and had a good time despite 6 hours of thier weekend being robbed so I left fuming over that a little bit.

- Pretty much the same story for Sunday today. I was disgusted with my preformance in Praise Band today. My guitar kept going out of tune and we were just having all kinds of kinks and problems that made things sound rough and choppy. I went home for a little bit more hw work and then back to church for this and that. The meetings and practice went well. I was actually able to relax a little bit and enjoy myself because I had the lines for scene 6, the one we practiced, down flat. Church is a lot of fun when theres nothing to worry about. I got to load my hair up with Crisco which is an experience in itself. I recomend doing it at least once. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

- A busy week commin up with makeup work, class, aeration, church, the play, and whatever free time I'm able to scrape up. I need to stay in the word and keep my focus right. When things pick up pace it gets harder but its no less important. Sorry for the long entry. I don't mean to bore ya'll with my trivial concerns. Life is good. I hope it stays that way.


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