Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Theres Something About The Shape of a Star

- Theres something magical about not having to go to school when my sisters do. I enjoy it emensly. It makes the mornings so much better when I can hear Jessie next door in the bathroom grogilly getting ready for school while I'm all warm, cozy, and comforatable in my bed with no intention of getting up anytime soon. I did have to get up eventually though because I needed to reschedual an aeration job in lue of the snow on the ground.

- I just got back from racketball with my dad. I can tell I'm getting better because even though he whoops up on me every single game. I can tell that hes at least having to try a little harder and has been mixing it up on me. Unfortunantly, as he turns up the heat, I turn up the suck. I will overcome though. I'm stubborn in my resolve to master the game of racketball and be able to whoop up on those who dare chalange my almighty awsomeness. Its comming. You just wait. I don't think my nagging ankle injury helped out any. It would have been nice if the doctor had actually taken the time to figure out exactly what I did to it so maybe I could get on with making it heal. I'm still swollen up like a pregnant woman and anytime I'm sprinting back and forth on it, it makes sure it files its grievances in the form of pain into the complaint box that is my brain. Oh well. At least I've got something I can blame when my performance is less than desireable.

- So I'm hanging out with the boys tonight, skiing with Micheala, Jordan, Bill, and probably some other people tomorow, the Friday night thing tomorrow night then that roadtrip that starts at the o' dark hours of the morning all Saturday followed by Exit 7 Saturday, and the typical Sunday. Thats a lot on my plate but its all gonna be to good. Just a busy weekend.

- I've got something else to look foward to comming up in April. My dad's got a long layover in Boston so I'm gonna fly up there and we are gonna do the tourist thing in Boston. It'll be some good quality time with the popsy. We haven't always been the closest but our little American field trips like the one to Seattle a couple years ago help out a little. I doubt we are ever going to be chummy but at least it gives us some common ground.

Well I'm going to go shower off the stink, maybe take a nap, then catch up on my basketball. God I love days off.


Blogger Courtney said...

Yes! Boston! Yes! o'dark hours of the morning!

9:51 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

don't cheer for the o'dark hours of the morning, you'll just encourage them.

4:33 PM  

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