Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Mountain Man

- Its been a good day. I've acomplished my adventure goal for this week twofold. One is private and the other involves the ski-trip today. I went up with Michaela (I'll never learn how to spell that), Jordan, and Bill - all three very talented at what they do. We got, oh about 10 FREAKIN INCHES of fresh baby powder and, with confidences high and impacts soft, decided to spend the day seeking out the most difficult way possible down the mountain. This means deadmans drop style blacks with mammoths taking on the form of moguls and 10 inches of powder making sure the skis stayed pointed straight down the mountain. Let me tell you nature won the battle but not the war. It may have forced us into an early lunch at 10:45 and limited us to a mere 6 runs, but no matter how many times we fell, we were back up on top of the mountain seeking out a new challange to vanquish. It was good company too, great bonding time for the four of us.

- After a long nap and a cold bath I picked up Kristen and headed off to Friday Night Live or whatever tag we put on it. It was good times; a great game of Signs (It'll be a blast once everyone gets the hang of it) a good game of skittle poker that escalated into a mere poker chip eating contest, then a game of basketball where me and Jared dominated. It felt good cuz my game was on and I was hitting absolutely everything. I was kind of worrying that Kristen wasn't having a good time but it turns out she had a good time getting to meet some new people and just hangout. I'm glad. I felt like I was ditching her but it turns out everyone did a pretty good job of being friendly and helping her have a good time. Thats cool. She's great company and I'm glad she came.

Good times. Gotta get up early tomorrow for the "roadtrip" so I'm heading to bed. Its days like these that memories are made out of. I love you all.


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