Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Friday, April 22, 2005

Shiftin Gears

- So I was standing in line today at Chipotle after school just trying to avoid eye contact with the girl standing in front of me who for some reason was just starring at me (not even a couple of seconds of eye contact could avert her glare), when I happened to overhear the converstation between the two ladies behind me that made me chuckle. These ladies looked like Anna Nicole Smith impersonantors and each had a voice that could break a mirror. They were discussing a "friend" of thiers and were critizing her eating habits. "If she didn't drink so much ****in Doctor Pepper she could lose weight." said the first. "Yeah, she looks so ****in terrible" said the other. "I mean really, hows a cow like her going to get a date. No wonder shes lonely. Shes just, fat." I literally just started laughing to myself. These women were not vixens themselves. I felt bad for the subject of thier discussion though I will never meet her because it sounds like this is a pair of people who she probably considers her friends now ripping her apart in her absence. It was hillarious seeing such large women critize the way another woman diets. You should have seen the burritos they ordered. Extra everything with a side of lard. It just kind of reminded me that some people really never do move past the drama of highschool and will just be mean people for the rest of thier lives.

- So as the school week wraps up, the play weekend begins. It feels like I'm not getting a break from school but instead, I'm just shifting gears into my next responsability. I've got a really bad attitude towards it right now and I need to remember its not about me. It doesn't matter if I like it wish to spend hours on end practicing and preforming. We're raising money for mission trip and I need to give the people willing to shell out 15 bucks a ticket thier moneys worth. And even though I think the message is rather weak and a little cheesy, its not for me. God's going to use it to impact the lives of others the way he sees fit. I'm a messager, not a general.

- Since I had this play all weekend and my week didn't lend itself to allow me to experience anything beyond the status quo, I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to fulfill my adventure goal. It was legitimatilly disturbing me because since I've started my personal program to make life more interesting, I haven't missed a week were I've tried something new. Some weeks my adventure is a little more interesting than others and it turns out that this week is going have to be filed in the "others" catagory. I was talking, well, really I was complaining to Rachelle about how I wasn't going to get to keep my adventure streak going and she sudjested that I come to her soccer game on Thursday. I wanted to go, but my only problem was this wasn't particularlly adventurous and though I planned on going, I debated wheather or not it should count. I needed to compromise, however, and I honestly don't think that I've been to a sporting event at Grandview that I haven't participated in. So thats my adventure this week. Not remarkably out of my comfort zone but it fits the bill.

- Well, its not a particularly long entry today and I have a couple more events of interest that might even deserve mention, but I'm in desperate need of nap and to study up my lines a little bit more before dress rehersal tonight. I might write more later on tonight after all is said and done.


Blogger Courtney said...

I wish my blog could be as interesting as yours, Jay. Never a dull moment! :)

3:31 PM  

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