Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Suite E

- Ahh, the nostalgia of blogging in this old blue chair late at night with the rest of my family in bed. I've come a long way since I started this blog almost five years ago. Things have changed for me in such a dramatic fashion. There are a few people who have been there the whole, even fewer who didn't change too in the process but here I am.

- I have a job offer. Its not completely finalized but its mine to lose. Its nothing I ever expected to be doing 5 years ago but its something I can see myself becoming. Its an intimidating concept, all this change. As I go back and reread some of my more melancholy posts they all seem to have 'change' as the underlying antagonist. I've had things, people, and places in my life I've lost that I loved and cherished so deeply only to be exchanged for new things that I now love and cherish just as much if not more. We're pretty selfish creatures, never wanting to lose the things we have while wanting the things we used to. My freedom will come from accepting the changes, not being afraid of the unknown, and allowing myself to develop regardless of the come and gone. Its tough though and the bad economy doesn't make it any easier.

- And when it all comes full circle and I take things into a hard perspective, I always remember how blessed I've been. I hope I never lose sight of that and become that little spoiled stepchild I know I have the potential to be.

- My friends are great, my family is strong, my girlfriend is loving, and my future is wide open. I pray none of that ever changes and if it does to accept the unchangeable for what it is.


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