Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

When things go right...

- Anyone ever have one those weeks where its blantanly obvious God is blessing you but for the life of you you can't figure out why? I'm having one of those months. I hope its not a calm before the storm, but what can I say, life is good. It doesn't take much to get me happy these days and its a lot harder to bring me down. God's so good to me. Why do I have to be such a jerk to him.

- Anyway we had a jazz concert tonight. The beggining choirs that also preformed were fairly flat and uninteresting and even though I knew our preformance would be a lot more fun to listen to, I was really dreading it because our songs were very difficult and we only had a little bit of practice time on them and the rehersals were sloppy and poor. But when we stepped up and started playing we just locked in and rocked the preformance. We sounded like a kind of band that would play at Dazzle. My trumpet solo was spectacular as well if I do say so myself with all my notes having lots of shape and form and body. I was happy with it as I am not normally am. I'm glad the Zster asked me to join the Advanced Jazz Ensemble this year because a preformance like this was really fufilling. Kinda a downer to know they've already gotten my replacement in line though for when I graduate. Its ok, it was fun.

- I just picked up a pen pal. A couple of years ago I was looking for one and couldn't find anybody but Norwiegan teenage girls looking to practice thier English and that was really unfulfilling. I guess my ad stayed on the site and I got an email a couple days ago from a girl in Ohio that shares a lot of intrests with me. We're exchanging e-mails and its fun. I'm not big on talking to strangers on the internet but shes pretty cool and its always good to get another perspective on life, even over the internet.

- Not a particularly lengthy entry today and I'm not feeling real motivated to proof read it for typos and wierd sentances so deal with it. Always remeber,

"don't take life to seriously, it ruins the joke" - Jay


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