Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Little Jay That Could

- I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm feeling good as I'm sitting here in the library finishing the studying for my last two tests. My first two went fairly roughly but I'll withhold my judgement until I get the grades back. My stats test was frustrating. When the teacher called time, only one person of the 70 odd people in the class had finished. I eventually finished but the last question was rushed and I had to chase my professor down the hall to hand it in. Phsyiology was just plain hard. I must have studied a good 30 hours for that test and I'll be happy to get a C on it. I'm kind of counting on a curve in my favor but no matter how I did on it I know it was my best so I won't be too upset.

- Tomorrow looks to be a long day with four classes, two tests that I feel decently prepared for, and a quiz. I'm going to an early screening of the movie 300, which looks really good with some friends and then class on Friday will be a breeze carrying me into spring break. I'm over the hump of midterm stress and it feels good. The time off is going to be good for me. I'm proud of myself for working so hard this semester, but thinking about it today I can see why they give us a spring break. If I had to do this for another 4 months straight, I'm not sure I would make it.

- I almost done. And I never want to hear the word ganglia again.


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