Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

3 and Counting

- Another day, another dollar. Break's winding down and I'm glad because I'm bored here at home. I've done stuff the last couple nights with old friends from high school which was a nice break from working around the house all day doing whatever chores popped into my dad's head, but its just not enough. Tomorrow I'll spend my time running erands and picking up the stuff I need to spend the next six months in Fort Collins and Friday I'm going skiing with Joel so hopefully the time will fly and I won't have time to sit around and rot.

- Really, I just think I need a change of scenery. Give me a couple months and I'll be more than eager to come back home.

- Awww jeeze.


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