Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Deep Breaths

- Wow I love being home. For the record, I had Joe Iams pegged all wrong. And let me be the first to say the man knows his way around a basketball court.

- Yesterday was fairly uneventful. It reminded me how much I love my family. Today was packed though. I watched the Ohio State - Michigan game with Cliff and Jared + family. It was a really good game and even though I didn't have much reason to cheer for one reason or another, it was still fun to watch and I'm glad for Jared and Cliff's sake they won.

- I rushed home in the new manual transmition Honda my family bought. It's a really fun car to drive and what excites me more is the thought of finally having a car at my disposal after break, if it's infact, fixed. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up though. I have a record of drawing the short straw when it comes to car situations but toying with the idea is fun.

- Dinner was amazing. Chicken fried chicken is a little out of my price range to cook for myself and nothing tastes much better than a meal that my mom makes on my account.

- After that I rushed off and played what must have been a solid four hours of basketball rotating between 21, lines, and three on three. I'm gonna be sore like nobody's buisness tomorrow and right now I smell worse than I can ever remember smelling.

- The rest of the week has great potential too and if the rumor that Jordan's home for break is true it could get even better.

- Good times. Bed time.


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