Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Friday, May 04, 2007

Halfway Mark

- With summer break less than a week away I'm finally starting to be able to comprehend life after the semester and into break. I've got to say though I'm really unsure about what its going to be. I'm so torn between wanting to be in Aurora but not wanting to have to settle for some lame job that actually takes people for only 3 months. The job situation along with the fact that I'm still going to be paying rent here makes it a simple decision to make to stay here but I guess I'm just nervous of the implications because there's a part of me that needs an extended break from Fort Collins. It doesn't help that gas is over three dollars a gallon now making frequent visits expensive.

- I guess it won't be too bad though, a lot of my friends here are in the same situation I am so at least I'll have some company. Hopefully I can get a job with a lot of people my age to help keep me occupied.

- In other news all my hard work has paid off. Right now I'm sitting in a situation where theoretically I could pull off straight A's, but more realistically I'll end up with about half and half A's and B's. Granted I still have finals to worry about but its nice that the pieces are falling into place. Considering my best semseter gradewise in college came during the semester where I'm taking the max credits allowed by the university is encouraging.


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