Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Chest Pains

- Wow. Crazy week. Even crazier weekend. Sorry I haven't been keeping updated.

- I've discovered recently I'm really into existentialism and I didn't even know it. Philisophically its in line with a lot of what I believe or rather feel about life and existance in general. Its almost embarassing seeing as nobody takes it seriously at all and even more embarassing cause I can see their point. A lot of my problems in life come from me trying to make my life line up with how I understand things to be. I'm incredibly naïve when it all boils to it which ironically enough is in contradition to other keys to existentialism.

This is my life,
I might as well live it,
With all of the bad times,
Just happy to be living
- Times aren't even bad, thats just an attitude that I wish I could live out as much as I'd like to sometimes.
- Enough of that. I've got a crazy week comming up. Another stupid physiology test (kind of funny how around test time that class seems to dominate my life), a few intermural games, and then home this weekend for some work and much need relaxation time. Only a month left of school. Thanks God.


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