Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Closest I Have Come

- I really enjoy spring. Well everybody does right, but I think I enjoy it more than most. The smell of fresh cut grass and the feel of sunshine on my face calms me down quicker than any drug ever could. I decided to take a different route class the other day that was a little bit longer but took me through the oval here on campus. For a reason I couldn't figure out, seeing the leaves start to bud on that majestic line of ancient trees got me real excited for things to come. Spring has always been a time of fresh starts in my life and I hope this one will be no different. This year has gotten off to a fairly rocky start but I know all my stress and hard work is going to pay me dividends. I can feel it already. Things are, and for that matter have, changed greatly recently and the person I'm becoming is stronger and much more realistic for struggle.

- I'm excited for Easter weekend because I miss my family and I feel, as I always seem to do around physiology tests, that I've earned a break.

- One more month. I'm on the home stretch.


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