Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Getting There

- Five more weeks until the semester is over. That seems like such a short but still long ways a way. These last couple months have represented this weird time paradox for me. I don't know why but I feel like its a good thing. My days and weekends are full of activity and I've been getting the most out of them. This 'fullness' makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of my time here in college. When I'm enjoying myself doing things I love with people I love, the time flies and I've got routines to get me through the less enjoyable parts. So, in other words, it feels like things are flying by but not so fast that I'm missing out.

- The world is my oyster. Its been a long time since I've been so excited for summer. Its setting up to be extraordinary and there are so many things I plan to do in it. Its awesome.

- One thing I have noticed recently though, is how easy it is for me to get lost in my thoughts. Especially when I'm alone. I'll just sit there and dissect anything and everything until I've created an alternate reality for myself that can be tough to snap out of. Sometimes its these stupid blogs that put me there. Sometimes its hearing an unsettling piece of news. Sometimes its when I remind myself of things I was letting stew just under the surface. I think one thing I was missing last spring was people that would be there to snap me out of it when I'd start down one of those roads. People that could pull me down to earth when I'd start to drift away and people that would give me a reason to stick around when all I wanted to do was get away. Spending the summer away taught me who these people are cause they're the ones I missed most.

- I have a good life and its even better now that I'm starting to realize and recognize that I'm not in it alone. Its people that have been there all along, some from when I was just a boy but it took until recently for me to understand the less obvious ways they keep me from going crazy.

- It was a great weekend. One I'll probably remember for the rest of my life. Just now thinking of Kimbre waiting on the grill at Hu Hut making her interpretation of my 'sexy face' is making me smile. I'm tired to the point of exhaustion but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Appreciate the good times
But don't take the worst for granted
Cause you only get
So many second chances


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