Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


- I just hit a new low point in my life. I haven't really had time to sit down and eat a good meal in awhile and the bum sitting near me in the library has Little Debbie swiss rolls and a stack of Pringles wannabe lays chips. For a split second before I could stop it I imagined myself asking if I could have some. I'm hungry. Sue me.

- I miss getting enough food on regular basis. Is summer here yet?

- I miss sleeping well too. Sleepings been weird for me recently. I've been having a lot of really weird but profound dreams recently. If I don't dream I sleep like a baby. It seems that at night recently I often don't give myself enough time to just lay there, chew over my day and give proper time to whatever's on my mind and when I don't, I pay for it. Some dreams are kind of fun but there are others that are on things that touch my nerves and I either wake up depressed, angry, or confused. I sort through it all but man, I wish it'd stop.

- I sometimes feel like I'm living a dream. My life's nothing fancy but to me its extraordinary. Sometimes it seems like I feel like I'm outside of it all looking in. Other times I feel alive and in the moment. Those are the best. The moments I feel like my senses are on fire and that worse comes to worse nothing could take it all away from me. They're rare but they're beautiful though they aren't always fun.

- But really I just think a lot of my out of mind moments come from me being tired. I hope thats it. I guess unless I start going to bed at a more decent hour I won't know. Thats my lesson to learned here.


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