Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, July 17, 2008

High in the 90s

- Sand is everywhere. In my bed, in my computer chair, in my hair, on the floor, in my buttcrack. Ok, well not that one, a shower fixed that problem. It wasn't until just now that I realized I was still wearing the same pants I played volleyball in last night and because of this I'm like a walking sand shaker leaving grains wherever I go. I'm making a mess.

- I really enjoyed volleyball last night. Even though this July has been marked as more of transitionary month with the impending move only a day away and a big portion of my time has been devoted to sorting out things with that, I've still gotten a good summer experience out of it. My entire life I haven't giving summer due credit. I'm more of a fall kind of guy but I've been enjoying it more than normal this year. Its those little moments that define themselves as summer moments that have added a little boost to my overall mood this month. Watching the fireworks after a wild 18-17 Rockies game, seeing the sun shines through the trees down the Poudre river while tubing in the later afternoon, the aura of old town fort collins crowded with people during Brewfest, sitting on the roof launching fireworks into the warm night sky, lazy afternoons with Kimbre, sitting with the cat in the back yard as he chases around bees, the incredible sunsets over horsetooth casting sending rays through the dust from our volleyball games. It makes me happy just thinking about it.

- Its good that these things are giving me distractions from a costant cycle of packing, moving, and cleaning. But really, it hasn't even been so bad. The whole process has been very nostalgic for me. As I sorted through things that I hadn't looked at in almost two years when I moved into this house that once held high sentimental value for me, I couldn't help but trace my memories back to their origins and take a good hard look at where I've been. Its fun. I'll probably go through the same process as I go through them again to decide which I'm going to hang back up and select a few that I will get rid of for good, just to make my future moving process a little easier.

- Bring it on August.


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