Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, June 16, 2008

This is talk radio, eight fifty KOA.

- Recently I've been utilizing time I have left over after I finish a mail run at work to journal in my old notebook. So, future Jay, if you're reading through, thats where you've been spilling your guts and thats where you should look to to find the rest of the story. Its pretty easy to find where I picked up. All of this assuming, of course, that I'm diligent in writing in it, something history shows I'm inconsistent in at best. Its been good for me though, the privacy and ineditability of the medium gives me interesting perspectives on my thought processes. The entries have mirrored a stream of conciousness style of writing which makes it hard to follow, but a lot of more theraputic in the end. I hope I keep it up. Some of the most inciteful things I ever wrote were in the old entries back in 2003 and I find something new about myself every time I pick through them.

- Anyway, I'm not gonna stop writing here all together. I just may limit the number of personal entries which are always nebulous and emo anyway.

- Today, in place of my cds or perfered radio stations, I switched it to the AM frequency and picked around a bit. One of my favorite parts of the day is when at 1:00 when I start my afternoon run and get the NPR news report. This afternoon, I figured the news was a few pundits short of talk radio so I gave it a shot.

- The result was that I was blown away at how stupid our nation can be when the issue of public policy and politics arose. I listened to Rush Limbaugh arrogantly call himself the "Kingmaker of the Republican party," I heard a man calling himself "the progressive voice of talk radio" call McCain an "evil lying racist," I heard Hannity plug six different corporations in the rare moments his show wasn't on commercial, and I heard some liberal crone respond to a well researched thought-out soundbyte from Alan Greenspan criticizing Obama's foreign financial policy with the "equally" well thoughtout response of "hes a stupidhead" followed by the example of how her mom asked her (a well off radio host btw) for some gas money as an example for why financial life in America is almost unlivable thanks to Bush.

- Every station on both sides of the political spectrum (if you could call it that through the limited selection of polarized crap) was littered with loud mouth fear mongering coupled with argumentative falacy after falacy. It seemed everything any of them said worked more effectively in mind as an argument for the opposite side. Yet, like watching a train wreck, I couldn't stop listening. It taught me so much about why it seems nobody can be really reasonable about anything anymore and it made me laugh, literally laugh out loud (lol) at the absolute ludicracy of it all.

- Our country is getting dumber everyday and its everyones fault. I wish people could just shut up for a second and think about things reasonably, maybe decide their vote for themselves and leave it at that.

- I hate politics.


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