Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Friday, May 02, 2008

The kind of moments

- I didn't think it'd feel as good as it does to be home. It feels really good. I know I bought Jenna's love with a late birthday gift in the form of a computer game, but it still pretty cool to have her waiting anxiously for me to get home. The ride home with Jessie was good. We had a good talk about this and that, really just a lot of me ranting. Its good to rant every now and then. Organized thought gets exausting. My family cracks me up and I love them. I miss being here.

- And then there was the nostalgia. There's always nostalgia when I come back to Aroura. I start thinking about growing up here in this house and all things I've gone through and experienced. Jessie asked me on the way home whatever happened to Audra and telling her the part of the story she didn't know really got me thinking about how far I've come since then; how much has happened to me and all the people, Audra on, that have had a hand in shaping me. I don't know why I do it to myself. These trips through my past are getting old. I read into things way too much. I always think about the what if and the maybe's and possibilities, no matter how unlikely. A perfectly harmless statement. A stupid hypothetical. Its all a waste of time. Been there done that. It doesn't take much to get me going but its been getting easier to get me to stop. I think thats a good sign that I'm back in control of things. I'm a control freak.

- Two more weeks until school is out for the summer including finals. Just one week for Kimbre. She and I have big plans and all the free time I'll finally have is something to really look foward to. My boss at the mail center is carving out my hours for this summer which accomodate my request for Fridays off giving me a three day weekend every week. I'll probably be driving a lot since Rod is starting chemo in a couple weeks. I hope it all goes well for him. Cancer has really shown him he has a lot that he wants to live for. He'll be fine. Hes a fighter. He told me yesterday that it'll take more than a "little lump in his neck" to stop him from watching his daughter grow up. I also agreed to keep working on the psychological research study I'm helping out with now into May. The whole thing has been pretty low key and not too demanding to date so I don't mind helping out a little bit longer. Dr. Byrne is a great connection to have and this study has really helped me get a foot in the door with her. Really, I'm just ready for summer to be here. Things aren't bad now but the chance to slow down and breath will be nice.

- Just a chance to breath. Thats it. Lifes good.


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