Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Friday, May 30, 2008

All at Once

- Roles are changing right in front of me. Its a beautiful but at the same time a really scary thing. I can imagine my fall to the very detail but I press on anyway. I'm feel like my life is some stupid cliff hanger tv show like 24 or Lost that never seems to resolve itself but still I'm strapped with curiousity as to whats gonna happen next. Its cool. Thats the way life should be.

- I spent the weekend down in Pueblo celebrating Brice's bachlor party, hanging out with Kimbre's family and staying for her home birthday barbeque. After that I spent a couple days at home with my family goofing around and getting nothing done and really, it all makes me not want to go back to work on Monday.

- I took Kimbre out for her 22nd birthday yesterday and man did she look nice. I don't think I told her as much as I should have. Its incredible the way she is still able to floor me with her beauty after how long we've been together. And its more than just the way she looks. Its the effect she has on me. I can't explain it but its powerful and really something special. There's only so much control I have over the situation but I have faith this is something God provided for me and I hope its in His plan that I get to keep it.

- I'm going camping tonight with the old crew up in our usual spot in Estes. Cliff, Stephen, John, Jared, Jordan, Austin, Cole, and Jeff are all rumored to be there and with a group like that you know its going to be a good time.

- I'm a little bit depressed. I fell in love on Tuesday but had to let her go. She was beautiful. Spanish made. Gold plated fret board with ivory tuning knobs. The body was a deep rich oak and the sound overwhelmed me from across the room when I first heard her being played. I waited my turn to play and spent a good hour playing her in the humidifed room at guitar center. I checked the price and it was in reach, on sale for 299$, cut from the original listed price of about 700. I've been in the market for a good classical guitar and it was nail on the head what I wanted. I made a deal with myself though. If its still there in a month when I will have more than enough to buy it I'll buy it. A guitar like that though at a price like that my hopes aren't too high.

- So really, nothing of substance in this post. I'm exhausted and that could be contributing to it. Its been an amazing summer so far and only looks to get better.


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