Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, March 24, 2005

A continuing commitment

PROVERBS 17:27-28

- I'm still learning things. I'm not at a elevated level of maturity by any means and I've got to understand that even when I have an opinion, I need to think about how its going to impact others. I'm sorry. I can be man enough to know and admit when I'm wrong. I'm wrong.

- We started aeration today. It was snowy, but when you have two aerators chuggin away at the same time, the yards get done really quickly. Jordans catching on. He still needs my dad's help on the edges but he'll get it down before long and we'll be a money making machine. Today's earnings were pretty good but its all going towards gas. I need a little in the slush fund to do what I wanna do.

- I had my adventure today. I went to my first Catholic mass with Kristen and it was really something. I had expectations of what it'd be like and it blew me away. It was completely different than the way us crazy Baptists run things. The ceremony and setup of everything from the sanctuary to the songs to the sermon was something I had never seen before. It was fun seeing things from the other side of the parking lot. I got to see a myriad of different with incencse and feetwashing. It was fascinating. I felt a lil out of place during certain parts but, well, thats because I was. I'm glad I went and I consider my horizons officially broadened now. It made a pretty bad day a little better.

- Everyone please pray for Daniel. His tank in Iraq was hit by an anti-tank gernade and he suffered injuries due to shrapanal and as I'm writing this, hes in a hospital in German. Hes going to ship home as soon as he stabalizes and I just pray to God he makes it that far. Daniel's a good guy hes one of the last people that deserves to die.

- Sorry this post isn't jovial. Its been a solemn day and I'd rather keep it a little bit more serious and mellow.


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