Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, May 02, 2005

Variety is the Spice of Life

- As far as weekends go I had an excellent weekend. Kristen said yes and that undoubtedly made me happy. Then I got to do something on Saturday that I haven't been able to do in a really long time. Relax. And I mean slothlike antisocial lazybutt relaxin. Paintball was canceled and though it bummed me I gotta admit I enjoyed sleeping in. Til' noon. When I know I shoulda gotten up. I spent the afternoon indulging myself on cartoons, hamburgers, and a little guitar. However, all good things must end. My attendance was requested at the GHS preforming arts fundraiser where our Jazz Ensemble played a couple songs. It was fun though because we had a good showing and since we weren't preforming in the commons or the auditorium, our audience was about 10 feet away from us. That gave way to massive cheering and hollering and feedback that we just thrived on. It was quite the experience. People were dancing and singing and some even tapped thier feet. I feel bad for the choir that followed us. Though they were excelent, they were far from exciting when compared to the latin groove of Salsa Ti Kaye and the seductive Angel Eyes. Went to Village Inn afterwords with Scott, Ace, Mary Lou, Tyler, Ryan and about 12 people I didn't know. That was a good time. I feel sorry for Villiage Inn having to put up with a gang of roudy teenagers and only about 3 people ordered food. We were respectful mind you but its hard keeping the volume down when you get 20 teens into a small area.

- Sunday was good as well. I fixed my tone problem in the PB by simply switching the amps I was using. It was nice being able to get the sound I wanted and its beyond me why it took me so long to remeber that the Fender amp's tone and intonation is terrible. I also found out that we are leading worship in two weeks at the Senior commencement service. Thats news to me. It'll be an adventure seeing how it turns out with a different atmosphere and song style. I went home after that and met up with Cliff and Jared. We went to Chipotle for some eating, picked up Austin, bought a basketball at Toys R' Us and then we played for about 2 hours at the church. It was fun just getting to hang out with the boys again. My weekends have been so tied up these last couple of weeks doing this and that that I haven't gotten the chance. I went to choir and the MT meeting exauhsted which isn't a good idea. Luckily Bill cut it about 20 mins short. I planned on going to get some Cold Stone with Kristen and Ryan and get some work done on a Euro project we had due today but we got down there and quickly learned it was closed. One thing lead to another before long we were wrapped with watching Saving Silverman on Comedy Central. Hilarious movie btw. Maybe it was just because I was in a stupid mood but I was cracking up. 9:30ish I got home with no hw done and try as I might I c0uldn't focus so I printed out some internet pages on the topic of our presentation and called it a night. Stayin busy is good for me, it keeps me from being bored but boy does it ever make me tired. Honestly, I think its just that I'm lazy and I enjoy sleeping. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop in my life.


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