Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, August 08, 2005

Begginings and Ends

Sorry bout the post. It is probably filled with mispellings and typos I don't feel like fixing. I may get around to it later. I don't feel like it now.

- My last Sunday at church done. Ever. Now that feels wierd because for the last couple years of my life has been dominated by a period of self rediscovery ignited and maintained through church. Ok maybe not forever but nonetheless, I'm no longer in the youth group at MABC and all the activities and focus that entitles. Its not a bad thing in the way that change isn't necesarilly a bad thing but just an odd thought. I think I've come to the point where I'm embracing the transition in my life and I'm almost looking foward to the change. Its not like my life right now is mundane, in fact its incredible, I feel like I'm living it to the fullest and I'm not missing anything, its just that a change of scenery and a new list of challanges await me and with God at my side I'm invincible to fear. God'll do what he wills with me. Its wonderful knowing I can just fall back on him and let him carry me to fullfil his will in my life.

- In other news I went skydiving today. Me, Jordan, and Tyler made a day trip out of it as the airport was located in Canon City Colorado near the Royal Gorge Bridge. Twice as far as Woodland Park, another summer destination. It was cool because from the plane we could see the gorge and the bridge. Anyway, it was fantastic. Exillerating. Liberating. (Insert Positive Descriptive Word Here). I even got a teeshirt. Suprisingly enough I wasn't remotely scared or nervous the entire trip with the exceptions being when I was hanging out of the plane attached to my instructor trying to wrap my legs under the plane against massive winds and on the plane ride up for the sole reason that the tiny plane had no doors and we had no seatbelts or seats so everytime the plane would dip a bit we'd scoot a couple inches towards a parachute free freefall to death. I won't lie, that was intimidating. I swear I'm not bragging. It wasn't that I wasn't scared because I'm a fearless animal. I think it was a combination of an instructer that made me feel completely safe at all times showing me that there was no way I could screw it up without trying and an excitement at the sheer madness and fun of what I was about to do along with the great story I'm gonna be able to tell for the rest of my life.

-I plan to do it again. Maybe not soon but probably anually. It was also good bonding time with the boys. One of the last times I'm gonna be seeing Jordan for a while along with a good bonding experience with Tyler, a guy I'm going to be seeing a lot of over the next couple of months. Its good going to college with a good buddy that can be a strong Christian influence in my life that I know has got my back.

- I'm so happy. I love life. Its beautiful.


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