Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Did you play?

- Wow. College is everything I hoped it would be and more.

- Cliff and Stephen drove down from Greely Thursday afternoon and Tyler, Cliff, Stephen, and I all went up to Estes park to our camping spot to make campfires, shoot off fireworks and just be guys. It was incredible. We climbed up the mountain next to our spot and found giant rock with a hole in it that was about 4 feet in circumference. We proceeded to build a raging bonfire in it and launch fireworks off the side as the sun set on the beautiful mountains of Estes park. I wish I had my camera because it was a life moment. It was also good just to have the old gang together again. I love those guys. We mesh so well and every second with them is a blast.

- Friday was pretty dang good too. I only had one 50 min class and it was at noon so the rest of the afternoon was off for fun. I went to dinner with my hall before me, Jeff, and Adam, met Kim, Ashley, and Keri at the CSU volleyball game. They blew out New Mexico State and after eating, we all went down and played volleyball with the rest of the crew, about 10 in all until the lights went out around midnight. Jeff's friends met us back at the dorm and we played Halo until 2 in the morning and hung out till about 3.

- Tomorrow brings football with some great games and whatever the evening has to offer. But, its 3:30 in the morning so I think its my bedtime.


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