Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hugs are Guuuuuud. Hugs are Guuud.

- So my first weekend on my own is officially over and I gotta say its been a blast. I never thought I'd find so many perfectly normal, fun to hang out with people up at college that share my convinctions when it comes to abstaining from drugs and alcohol, and yet still know how to have a good time.

- Friday the guys in our dorm all hooked up 4 different X-boxes to our local dorm internet and played a massive game of Halo. I've never been one for video games, but Halo is just different. It spawns a certain guy comradery and is a heck of a lot of fun. Especially when you shoot somebody and you hear an exlamation of disapointment from the room across the hall. After that an even larger group of my new friends up here went to see the 40 Year Old Virgin. It was hillarious and even had a good moral about waiting for marrige to it. I felt like a real jerk though because me and Adam were talking about seeing movies alone and how we couldn't understand how people could do it, only to discover after it was over that a girl sitting somewhat closely behind us was at the movie alone. We got back about 1ish and set out for a game of late night glow in the dark ultimate frisbee were by wierd coincidence we saw a girl named Miranda that I had met earlier in the week along with her crew of about 12 people. Fortunantely, they were as terrible at Ultimate as we were so the teams were fair and the competitiveness that normally couples these games was gone and it was just fun.

- Saturday was cool too. I woke up at about 11 and played an intense game of Monopoly in our hall's lounge. After that was over me, Preston, Adam, and Bri went to the Bronco's preseason game vs. the Colts since Adam had free season tickets. I felt like such a Coloradin native going to a Broncos football game after going to my Colorado college with a gang of Coloradins. Thats a good feeling. This State is home to me now. I belong here. When people ask me where I'm from now I proudly will say Denver where as when we first moved here I was quick to make it known I was a Texan through and through and that I hated it here.

- Sunday was amazing as well. Its amazing the effect a Bible study can have on your life and how frustrating it is to go without it. MABC is an amazing church and I doubt I'll ever be able to find anything like it. The people, the preaching, the fellowship, and just how much church the church is built on the word of God blows me away. God was good to me to provide me with such a gift in my life to shape me in him and to prepare me for life that awaits me. It bums me out to see how we've all moved on and how next time I go, the stragglers (cough Courtney) won't be there either and it will be now near void of some the closest friends I've ever had that have been there for as long as I can remember. We'll always be friends, don't get me wrong, but our lives aren't intertwined now like they used to be. We're going different dirrections and moving on and its really hard to let go of my little youth group bubble thats done so much for me. I pray that God will help me and Tyler find a really good church up here because I've learned just how critical part of my walk is connected to my church community.

- I miss Kristen a ton. I hope I can get out to Cincy this labor day to see her. I can count on one finger how many people I can actually look foward to talking on the phone to for more than 10 mins. Nothing against other people, I'm just not a phone person. Somehow, the rules change when she's involved. I really hope that we make it long distance. So far things are working out really well, but in the case that they don't I'll thank God everyday for simply letting me have any time with her at all. Shes been nothing but a blessing in my life from the first day I met her. I just miss her so bad.

- Well, I've got class tomorrow so I better sign off and go to bed. It feels good to find my niche here so quickly. I couldn't imagine how unfun this would be if I hadn't.

PS Our RA yelled at us for the first time tonight for having frisbee throwing contests down the hall. Well, does it really count as yelling if she gives us all Soda's anyway before she goes to her room? You're guess is as good as mine.


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