Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Why Worry

- Man, I'm getting really bad at keeping this thing updated. I think its sheer lazyness. I wanna have my first year of college written down too so I better get over it.

- I'm setting into the rythem of college. I'm working well with my schedual and getting hw that needs to be done done. I'm getting worse about the reading but I figure its not too important as its always the same stuff they lecture over. Its taking some getting used to having something to do every night and forcing myself to go to bed so I don't stay up the ENTIRE night as opposed to most of it.

- I can't bieleve CSU lost. Man, this is going to be hard on me cheering for a team that sucks so bad when I'm used to cheering for a team that barely loses. Thats all I gotta say about this.

- Peace and Chicken Grease


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