Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Denver Lights

- I had a good weekend. Its frustrating visiting home these days since my dad's been getting a little less patient as hes gotten older, but theres not to much that will prepare you better for your next week of school than going home. And really, I would do it just for the drive. Life these days is so busy that any chance I have to organize my thoughts and lose myself in music and memories is something that leaves me feeling alive and real. I was chewing through this sensation when the lyrics to one of the songs I was listening to struck me and just intensified the feeling.

Heaven's that moment in life when you feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice,
live by every word
Love's completely real,
so forget anything that you've heard
And live for the moment now

- This whole conincidence of the mind and music happened at the same time as I came over the hill on 270 and saw the sea Denver lights and it hit me as one of those times in life where you don't have any worries left in your mind and just let go and enjoy the moment. In 19 years I've lived a very full and blessed life and if I was to die tomorrow, I could die fulfilled, not because of something stupid like a drive from Denver to Fort Collins but because of all the good things my life has been filled with and more importantly, all the amazing people in my life that make waking up in the morning something I look foward to.

- I've got a tough week remaining of school ahead of me, but you know what? It'll be ok. Theres always worse things in life but thats not what should keep us going. It should be the fact that there's better things in life. The fact that no matter how bad things get, theres always a light at the end of the tunnel. Thats how you live for the moment.


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