Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Reversing Mistakes

- So thanks to Britt I got the load off my chest. Its nice to have someone to help support my emotional burden, but I feel bad that its gotta be her with all the stuff I know is going on in her life. She'd probably scoff at the idea, but I feel kinda bad anyway. I learned how terrible I am with orating myself in situations such as these and how tough it is for me to say what I'm actually meaning, but it was enough to do the trick and for her to make some sense of the whole complicated mess. The situation's not fixed by any means and honestly, its something I need pray about before I make any drastic steps, but whatever's going to go down is probably gonna go down in the next couple of weeks wheather I decide to take any kind of initiative one way or the other or pull a Jay and just let it ride. If nothing else I'm comming to terms with the fact that no matter what happens, it's whats in store for me in God's plan and even if I can't see it now, it'll be the best thing for me. If history's any indicator of times where something wasn't going like I wanted it to but in the long run I'd be screwed if it were different, than you think I'd have a little faith by now.

- I'm going to the CSU-AirForce game tomorrow in Colorado Springs with Jeff, Adam, Laura, Kyra, Hattie, and Shelly and I'm looking foward to it. It's gonna provide moment of truth #1.


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