Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, September 17, 2006


- I'm having real trouble finding the motivation in me to study for my psych test tomorrow or to practice my speech, so instead, I'll just waste a little time writing a snipit in here.

- I survived last week. I got an A on my first test of the year too which means I am, as of now, on track for my goal of a 4.0 this semester. That was a major relief. Its gonna be hard keeping the motivation going though, especially at 10:30 on a Sunday night when my studying and speech practice seem, at best, optional.

- I'm doing well moneywise which is something I'm proud of. Its also a major relief to know that I can eat well and spend moderately and still budget myself well enough that I have a good amount left over when all is said and done. I'm going to try and save that money in some kind of rainy day fund because the last thing I want is for it to burn a hole in my pocket.

- As usual these days I have to mention football at least once a post. I don't think I've ever watched more football in one weekend than I have this weekend. Its pathetic, in a way, and I'm kinda sickened when I think about all the better things I could have done with my time, but my friends, I am a true fan and all the virtures, vices, and stereotypes that associate that are true of me as well. Its fall. Thank God its fall. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and I'm happy there, my butt planted in front of TV all day in my sweats eating left over soft tacos I cooked up the night before. The games were good too; the results, mediocre. Texas killed Rice, CSU lost hard and big, the Broncos squeaked out a win, and the smattering of other games I watched produced mixed results.

- On another note, think I may have found a new church to start going to up here. Its about a 3 minute bike ride away on Shields and its been a long time since I left a church feeling so good. Its an American Baptist Church and is even more traditional than I expected. I was looking through thier "What We Bieleve" pamphlet and everything was the same as the Southern Baptist bielefs. I think the only reason the demoninations are different were squabbles over how to run the service. It was a little more traditional and formal than MABC but I actual kinda enjoyed the change. And I've never felt so welcome in a church in my entire life. I was probably the youngest person there by 20 or 30 years but they didn't discriminate at all. In fact, half the congregation came up to me to welcome me and tell me how glad I was there and invite me to this and that. They didn't ask questions, they didn't judge, they just loved on me from the second I stepped in the doors to the second I left. The worship was really good too. They sang my favorite hymn "It Is Well", they all laughed together over stupid but lighthearted jokes, gave a portion of the service to thanking the volunteer teachers there, and then the pastor delivered a very meaningful and scripture driven sermon on taming the tongue, something that I've struggled with recently. He even talked about "Talk Like a Pirate Day", something I didn't expect from the warm, 5'7", elderly pastor. Overall, I felt the love of Christ in that building in a way that I never felt at other churches up here like Timberline (which had a coffee shop in it btw, images of Jesus expelling the merchants from the temple anyone?) or at the cold and cruel Navigators/Campus Crusade for Christ. I mean, the pastor even took a portion of his opening prayer to pray for all our enemies that served as a reminder that Christ's love extends to everyone, not just the people we chose. I had a feeling all week that God was driving me to visit there this morning and I plan on returning next week to see if thats the place he wants me. Who knows, maybe I'll even go to thier church picnic after the service and chat it up with my new elderly homies. I'm really hoping thats what I can find here, a family in Christ not being driven by thier raging hormones, with wisdom to help guide me and support me this year and maybe that will give me an opportunity for me to give back.

- God is good and hes bigger than all our opinions, political viewpoints, frustrations, fears, and even bigger than our lack of faith.

- Life is good too. The final piece to the puzzle has fallen into place for my second home in Fort Collins.


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