Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Its Quiet in the Morning.

- Whoo. So the first week of classes is done. They really flew by. I've got a good feeling about classes this year though. I'm honestly shooting for straight A's and I think if I really crack down and work hard enough I can do that.

- Its great seeing everybody again. Its definantly different than last year but thats not necessarily a bad thing. There are things that I miss about the dorms and the group of people I hang out with and things that I definantly don't. This year is going to turn the good friends I had into best friends and the rest will probably fizzle out, which is unfortunante but thats life.

- Really I don't have anything meaningful to say. Just that things are good up here and I'm happy and I'm excited for things to come.


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