Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hardy Party 06'

- I give up. At least for now. Its not happening anytime soon and I can only make things worse by forcing it. Its dissapointing and not what I imagined happening but I'm not destroyed. I'll find a new rut to fall into before too long I'm sure and the future isn't a definite never, (there's about as many vaugities in it as there are in this post) but until then I gotta realize maybe its time I take a step back, a big step back and examine some of the other opportunities in front and ahead of me. I'm not used to this kinda frustration and its hard to not take it personal and my reactions gonna prove just how grown up I really am.

- Enough of the angry vauge opening. I don't even really know what I'm talking about. Just letting out a little steam.

- Surgery was yesterday. I probably should have been a little more negative going into it and a little less eager for the little bit of hell I'd go through the rest of the day. Everything went ok or so I'm told. It doesn't feel like I'm fixed but the doctor told my mom that was expected. I didn't take well to the anestetic and spent the rest of the day immobile on the couch helpless and, honestly, pathetic. I felt like a weeny having my mom and rest of family do simple tasks for me but when I stood up to help my mom pack my suitcase for the reunion, I felt worse and worse and bam, lost my lunch. I'll take any amount of soreness and swelling to not have to feel nausea but intense, sweat inducing nausea is what I got. The rest of the night pretty much followed suit until I hit a point of a solid minute of dry heaving after having nothing left to give the porcelean god before collapsing in my bed in a miserserable sweat.

- No real time for recovery either. 6 in the morning meant a 12 hour car ride through Kansas to Norman, Oklahoma for a family reunion. The nausea's mostly receded but moving around is still a bit tricky. Again, I hate looking like a whiner and I'm embarassed when I have to ask for my Ipod thats a couple inches in front of my hand cause I can't lean foward, but I've got hopes that its gonna be a quick downhill from here.

- The family reunion's gonna be alright. There's not really a lot of company my age and I feel I'm gonna be creating a good deal of my own fun but I've still got a lot of pride in my family. I saw the Hardy family crest today and couldn't help swelling up a bit. These people mean a lot to me. They're the reason why I'm such an avid Longhorn fan and anyone that knows me knows how crazy I can get about my Texas. Well, this part of my family is part of what I'm really cheering for all those Saturday's in the Fall.

- Well, I left my contacts in the car and at the rate I move I better get down there and get them soon so that if I don't make it, my family won't all be to asleep to come peel my weak butt off the sidewalk.


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