Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fireworks. A Metaphor Waiting to Happen.

- Here I am again, half an hour to kill. I've had a good, though fairly expensive last couple of days. The Rockies game with Jeff and friends yesterday was a lot of fun. There's a couple real good storys from that including spit and a Fox Sports anchor. (unrealated stories). Fourth of July with the Ingrams and the fam was a good time too. Its a good feeling looking around the table after a couple hours of cards, food, and nearly crying from laughter and knowing that this is my family (and the Ingrams who I'll always consider my extended family) and they always will be there when even the best of friends will probably sooner or later part ways. We go through rough patches as families usually do but when I take a step back and look at what I've got there's not a lot to complain about.

- The typical stresses are still there but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm actually excited for my surgery and the family reunion right after it even though I'll be missing some important days of work cause a change of scenery will help the summer go by a bit faster and its also something to throw a little niche in my exhausting routine of stressing myself out. For example, I'm stressed right now and I shouldn't be. I don't need to be worried but its what I'm what I've done all summer and its a hard habit to break. Besides that, we're gonna be driving on this reunion trip and I really enjoy road trips, even ones with my family. That's why I'm still holding onto a trace of hope that I'll be able to go on the trip early August since I'm missing the MT to Calgary. It'll be just like old times and I've heard rumors about maybe even hitting up 6 Flags Over Texas. The very thought of riding the Texas Giant again excites me. We'll see. I may be only dreaming but its these little hopes and dreams of little things that keeps me going and uplifted.

- Happy Fourth of July. One of my favorite things about the holiday is how scared my dog gets. What a wus. I've never seen her so eager to sit in the chair with me. There's something about the little pops and fizzes that drives her crazy. I feel song lyrics brewing. I better get writing while the inspiration's still fresh. Happy Birthday America.

- So thats all. Go away headache. I don't need you.


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