Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, June 26, 2006


- Long and rambly today. I'm in a long and rambly kinda mood.

- Its been a good Jay Day. Courtney decided a year ago today that there was to be a day dedicated to me every June 26th. I think everyone needs a Your Name Here Day because one of the best feelings in the world is for somebody to say that you're an important enough that you deserve a holiday of your own, or at least a day to say, "Hey, you're special." The fanny pack she gave me last year not only makes me happy because I have an odd obsession with fanny packs, it also reminds me that I have a good friend out there that made me feel special and I need to try to spread a little bit of that love.

- The last couple days have been good but busy. The movie Saturday night, a miserable 6 hour dishes shift Sunday morning and my weekly basketball ritual Sunday night. It really wore me out mentally and physically and oddly enough today helped me recharge a little bit. Work this morning really just flew by. I've really grown attached to working the register cause I love working with people and when I get good reactions from customers just by being friendly, I really am just charged up a bit. Not just cause I have to be friendly as part of my job, but because I really enjoy making somebodies day a little bit better, even if it was just as the stupid cashier that smiled at them instead of just taking thier order like he can't wait to leave. My coworkers were a good time today too. The normally quiet short fat kid with glasses was in a great mood and hes actually fun to work with like that. Stephanie the AM was pretty peppy too and my other coworker Amanda, over the course of the day, entertained me with a long converstation with Sophia about something stupid, made a big scene of making an out of order sign for the lemonade machine and covered me lemon ice juice mix because she got over confident in her ability to pour from a large square container directly into the bottle I was holding steady. She and I got off work at the same time and she wanted to hang out and, even though I was feeling really homebody-ish, I couldn't think of a reason why not so we both changed and hung out at Jason's for a couple hours. It was a fine way to spend my afternoon even though it turned out she's a regular at Jason's and knows everyone there so I spent the afternoon meeting emersing myself in the life of someone I just met, which was a little offsetting. It was nice to get to actually know, know somebody from work and even though she isn't and won't soon become a love interest, there were a bunch of things about her that reminded me of romances past and that too was a little offsetting.

- So I came home and spent the evening right where I wanted. Right on my butt. I used this stupid computer to stay social in an anti-social kinda way and before I know it, its tomorrow and I've got a big smile on my face ready to enjoy my day off. I filled my emotional gastank with the little things that make me really happy for really stupid reasons.

- Another day of summer 06 down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jay mc hardy-har-har-de-op-cop-cop-idee-do

hey man. sorry i left for a week i felt like i left everybody hangin in a-town. sounds like things were pretty fun. Jay Day is an awesome day. i knew i felt great yesterday i just didnt know why. what movie did you see? i missed the basketball ritual. i will be welcomed back in though next week i hope. :)

your a great guy

p.s. that is, YOU (jay hardy) are a great guy.

8:00 AM  

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