Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm Okay

- So, at least for the week, I've got a social life again. Tonight was another good session of Sunday Night Basketball. I took Kyle's forehead right in my nose so thats feeling a little tender. John gave me some nice scratches on my chest and hands and my thighs are feeling shot since with only 3v3, a lot more running was required but its been awhile since I've felt so good. I got some good quality time with Cliff talking and laughing on the way there since the truck wasn't working and I forgot how much I really miss that. We understand each other in a way few people can claim. Tomorrow me, him, and Stephen are gonna hang out which I'm really looking foward to. Cliff wants to play pool but I think that's cruel considering Stephen's in a sling after surgery on his arms for the nerve damage he garnered snowboarding last November. Whatever we do, I can't wait. We haven't really completely hung out since the time we went to Estes and blew stuff up during the school year and its overdue.

- Tuesday Courtney said she had Rockies tickets and I jumped all over it. I never have a bad time hanging out with C-Train. I'm gonna miss her easy-goingness when she heads back up to Boston in the Fall. She's been my hang out buddy this summer and its saved me more than once from mindnumbing boredom and gave me a little more than work and sleep to remember from the summer.

- Wednesday I work late, which kills my night.

- Thursday is Brittany and Britt night. Those only really get better each time. Therapy for me if you will.

- Friday might be Water World. I really hope so. I'd give it a 50 percent change of actually happening this Friday and 80 percent of happening anytime period. It'd be nice if we could find a day and time when everyone could go including Jordan who's out of town right now but that'd be a miracle/an act of God and I think God has more important things to worry about than a trip to Water World.

- Saturday is the drive in with Britt, Brittany, and Jeff's even able to make it this time. I can't wait. I miss hanging out with him.

- And that's my coming week. Its good to stay busy. I love my friends. Both CSU and here. I love people I can talk to about stupid stuff and about real important stuff. People I can lay on the grass and watch the stars with. People I can play basketball and mess around with. People that will go to a movie with me on a dead Monday night. They're good to me. I hope I can be good to them too.


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