Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


- This summer's going to be the death of me. I waited around all day yesterday for Fazolli's to call to set up my training time and they never did which frustrates and confuses me. I was told at the interview I had the job but with the call not comming on Monday I start to pace over the interview and I can't remember if she said she'd call with results on Monday or Tuesday and what the implications of that are. Maybe she took a closer look at my application and decided she needs managers that will stick around longer than the summer. Maybe I should just call and stop worrying about this so much but again, I don't have initiative to spare myself the pain of uncertainty. I really want to start work soon because I've found that when I'm busy spending time with my friends things are great and I'm in a great mood and where I should be but with everyone's work scheduals and with just the fact that people aren't always doing things here like at college I'll spend a night on my own and it'll bring me right back down to a place where I'm watching the calendar like a kid in school watches the clock waiting for this summer to end. A lot of my friends are in the same emotional imbalance about the first summer after the first year in college I am and I remember it was particularly bad for Jodi after her first year which I guess makes it normal but no less enjoyable. It really hit me hard when I was driving John back to his apartment last Thursday and he was talking about how next year he was going to find an apartment across town and jobs over there and really just start his adult life. I think going to college delays this step but its a step I'm going to be taking within 4 years. Times are changing and while change isn't bad, I'm not ready just to write off all the people and things I've grown to know and love just because its time to "embrace the change". This summer is going to be a long one if I can't find a way to keep myself consistantly busy. All this downtime is really bringing me down and its not even June yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tell you, if you want another job I'll hook you up with Sonic.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Rachelle said...

dude with all that extra time you have you could be spending it with god. i mean i am halfway across the world and when i have free time its usually by myself and i have no friends to be able to call...god will bless you with a job in time

10:21 AM  

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