Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What Better Way?

- Life's really funny sometimes. I had a dream last night that I went skiing with a friend of mine from my Chemistry class at CSU and before I put on my ski boots, I changed out of my favorite pair of shoes, my dirty old white Adidas, and put them on a shelf in the ski lodge. I left them there and went off and had a good time skiing only to come back and find that they had been stollen. I got worked up into a rage and was tearing apart the ski resort when I woke up in my bed to the image the same pair of shoes tossed off on the floor in my room. A huge wave of relief came over me before I stopped and thought, "What a stupid thing to be relieved about." I actually laughed to myself out loud and rolled over to go back to sleep.

- And it didn't stop there. Little things throughout my day made me chuckle. For example I was laughing to myself over the sight of a little old lady in the waiting room of the dentist today trying for probably a good half hour to get CBS on the waiting room TV so she wouldn't miss a second of her favorite soap while her equally old husband tried just as desperately to convince her it wasn't going to work and to just give up because they had it taping on the TV at home. Then there was the image on the news just before dinner today of Bono strutting around an African village in his own selfritcheousness and there was a shot of him yelling at an African man on a tractor that he was a rockstar and required a limo.

- The list of things that I found myself laughing at today continued on and on down to the smallest of ironies and it really got me to thinking about how funny life is in general and how ironic it is that I even got to where I am today. If I went and asked myself four years ago where I would be today from who my friends would be, where I'd be finacially, what my serious relationships would be like, and what my distant future would hold, it would have even been close to where I've ended up now. My past self would have thought I was crazy if I told him about my life today. Thats funny to me. People think they have so much control over thier lives and they think they have what they want out of life figured out until they die but in reality we have no clue. We're gonna end up where we're supposed to be and I think its about time I sat back and enjoyed the ride and the little things that make it so fun like that golden time before sunset where the world is beautiful and calm or a friend like Courtney that you can go see a stupid movie with on a slow Tuesday night and have a great time anyway. I spent a lot of time worrying over this last week and I think I'm ready to let it go and just embrace where I'm headed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jay i think life is funny too.. i am excited to see where we all will end up. how are the illigitamate children? i have two more. twins who would have guessed.
and remember dont underestimate your dreams. maybe the shoes mean more to you than you think ;-) i will be home soon and then the good times will be merged with more good times. just remember to close your eyes when it goes off.

1:12 PM  

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