Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Last Week of Finals

- The end of the school year is winding down and while I'm starting to look forward to the summer, I'm also trying to savor every last second of what has turned out to be an incredible freshman year in college. These are truely the best times of your life and I don't want to take any of it for granted. I'm gonna miss these people I've grown so close to up here, some more than others, and with my new found confidence in my ability to get fun things going I feel like I am going to see them over the summer, maybe not as much as I'd luck but enough so that we don't forget about each other. I can't wait to see my high school friends again either. I think that unlike most groups of high school friends, being so far apart will have drawn us closer together and make us appreciate the time we get to hang out that much more. I think we'll all have changed but just thinking back over the times we've shared and how over the course of our friendship we changed more than I can imagine, I've come to think its something we can handle.

- The beautiful weather is doing wonders for my moods and I feel ready and able to take on whatever is thrown at me. Thats a great place to be.


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