Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

In Between

- Easter weekend was nice and the feeling that the summer is closing in really fast made itself known. It was the first time in a long time that I can remember where me, all my sisters, and even my dad were all in the house at the same time and actually spent some time together. It was nice. If I stayed another week I would have been bored but I almost forgot what it was like to be a member of my family like it was in the old days.

- Yesterday was fun. Cliff and Jon drove down from Greely (Stephen had to work) and met Tyler and I here in the Fort. We ate in the dining center and then headed up to our spot in Estes so I could scout out the area for the camping trip my friends here and I are setting up. We took up a bunch of fireworks and got a nice little campfire going. I even got a battle scar on my stomach where one of the 20 or so bottle rockets Cliff threw on the fire nailed me in the stomach. I've always been curious what it'd be like to get hit with a bottle rocket and now I know.

- I'm feeling good. I'm where I should be right now in my life if that makes any sense and thats a good place to be.


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