Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Friday, March 17, 2006

Sampling From my Mind During Spring Break 06'

- Sorry but this post is going to be all over the place. I've got a lot to say but I don't really want to be to verbose in my posts so this is going to be a sampler platter of the things going on with me right now.

- I survived another March 15th. Its a big day for me because it marks the aniversary of the turning point in my life. Two of the most important people in my life came up out of nowhere during the month of March and both have left me changed forever.

- What a spring break. The highs and lows I've experienced over the last week really knocked me off my horse so to speak. Shame that metaphore doesn't make more sense because thats exactly how its been.

- The lows have included finding out I have two major surgery's in front of me this summer after enduring a dentist and doctor's appointment that were both really uncomforatable. I think I have a phobia going to health related apointments. I hate every part about them; the sounds of drills, the outdated waiting room magazines, those little paper coverings they put on the examination beds, the latex gloves, that little receptionist area where they ask you to set up another appointment, I even the awkward small talk that happens when the doctor comes back after you sit by yourself in a room crowded with health fliers. I hate it all. And then if all that wasn't enough to make the experience miserable, I always seem to have to endure bad news at the end. I consider myself a healthy individual. I brush twice daily, I stay active, I eat ok, I even take the stairs instead of the elevator. But nothing I do ever stops the bad news from comming. And Its always something I can't control. Honestly, it drives me crazy.

- I apologize for that tangent. I'm still a little bit cranky from the stomache caused by the dental hygenist forcing an overdose of flouride down my throat.

- And then there were the other lows of break. Me, Stephen, Cliff, and the new Jon Harris tried to put a camping trip together but all the karma I'd built up over the past year decided to cash in on me. Nothing went right for us and the adventure ended with me and Stephen driving back from Greely at 5 in the morning. It was still fun being with my buddies again and it was almost funny what a disaster everything turned out to be. On top of that shipwreck were the periods of intense boredom between all the times I was having a blast. A guy can't go from overstimulation to being vegitative and not go a little bit crazy.

- But lets take a step back and look at the big picture of my break. If this was all that happened it would have just been a bad break, and even though its been wierd I wouldn't call it bad. Me, Jared, and Jordan finally got together for a long need jam session. James is still in the Carolinas so we were without a bassist but it was great nonetheless. I need to find a band to play with in Fort Collins. I'm starting to get rusty. And after that we broke in to the gym with Cliff, Jon, and Tyler and played some solid games basketball until a little after midnight. If my break had been nothing else positive but this, my break would still be successful.

- I'm ready to go back to school though. I love college and I love never being bored.

- I'm excited for the next couple months of my life. And I mean literally excited. Much love ya'll.


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