Times Running Out
- Things have developed nicely this week. I'm feeling kinda anxious about the lease because we're running out of time to get everything taken care of but I'm sure it'll all work out and its going to feel real good to have it all done. I've got everything done on my side so now its just a matter of the three of us coordinating to get the thing finished.
- Something else pretty big in my life is working out just the way I wanted it to but I'm having trouble finding the courage to push it to another level. Right now, I'm happy with the way things are and I figure if its meant to go further it will. I've got a couple more years before I need worry about a thing like this.
- I've got a little less than a month of school left and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself this summer. I love the life I have up at CSU and the people I've grown closest to up here are the ones that live farthest away making hanging out with them over the summer with the exception of Britt, difficult but I expect even she'll be busy with her old possy that we're always hearing about. Its going to be hard going from seeing my best friends up here everyday to not seeing hardly anybody at all. I'm looking foward to catching up with the old gang too but I have a feeling everyone's not going to be hanging out as much with everybody working. I've also got those surguries to get through at the beggining of summer which is going to hurt me in the time I'm going to have to make money to pay back my parents and the time I'm going to have to hang out with everyone again. I'll just try to make the best of the time I have left here and I'm really looking foward to next year and having my own house. I've got at least another concert toward the end of may and the big goodby camping trip we're looking to get together before I say goodbye to CSU for the summer and the dorms forever.
- Something else pretty big in my life is working out just the way I wanted it to but I'm having trouble finding the courage to push it to another level. Right now, I'm happy with the way things are and I figure if its meant to go further it will. I've got a couple more years before I need worry about a thing like this.
- I've got a little less than a month of school left and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself this summer. I love the life I have up at CSU and the people I've grown closest to up here are the ones that live farthest away making hanging out with them over the summer with the exception of Britt, difficult but I expect even she'll be busy with her old possy that we're always hearing about. Its going to be hard going from seeing my best friends up here everyday to not seeing hardly anybody at all. I'm looking foward to catching up with the old gang too but I have a feeling everyone's not going to be hanging out as much with everybody working. I've also got those surguries to get through at the beggining of summer which is going to hurt me in the time I'm going to have to make money to pay back my parents and the time I'm going to have to hang out with everyone again. I'll just try to make the best of the time I have left here and I'm really looking foward to next year and having my own house. I've got at least another concert toward the end of may and the big goodby camping trip we're looking to get together before I say goodbye to CSU for the summer and the dorms forever.
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