Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Change isn't so bad

- I was walking to class yesterday on an ideal spring morning and I had an epiphany. I was enjoying the sunshine and my thoughs drifted to the days this summer I'll be spending at the pool and the nights camping under the stars and the trips to Water World and Eliches and Sunday afternoon football games and on and on with the countless things I have to look foward to this summer and I realized how much time I've been wasting dreading the end of the school year. I've gone through this cycle about twice every year where I'm enjoying where I'm at so much and I just can't see myself having anything to look foward to once it ends. But things always come through and the day I was dreading would always come and I always adjust and then don't want to leave the new place I'm at. I really shouldn't worry about it. My friends at CSU aren't going anywhere and its going to be so majestic being with everyone else again. Its time for me to finish out the last two weeks strong and embrace whatever change I have comming to me over the summer and the next few years.


Blogger Courtney said...

And don't forget about the Jay Day party...that's the best part!

11:06 AM  

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