Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I'm Gonna Miss my Mountain View

- Like usual, things are smoothing out. I'm feeling less afraid of my summer and I can actually look a little bit ahead of the end of the school year to find things to get excited about. There's a good deal of mindless drama as of late on the floor but I'm doing a pretty good job of staying out of it and I figure other peoples interpersonal relationships aren't my problem anyway and I'll be better off if I just stay back and let things work out. Its nothing to really get concerned about because its only a select few that are fueling the fire and I expect the summer to smooth out and fix any tensions that are making things uncomforatable around here.

- My last Friday of the school year was one to remember. We all went rockclimbing at the local gym, my second time ever, and it was a blast. I hope to go more often next year and maybe over the summer at the gyms in Denver. After that we just came back and hung out. I watched a show on the top 50 sports blowups with Jeff and when that was over me and Brittany watched the second half of my favorite movie of all time, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, while playing Speedy Gonzales on the top TV for what must have been the longest time. I'm really going to miss these two over the summer. I never feel on edge around them and I could spend hours just hanging out and talking and laughing like we always do. I'm glad I'm living with Jeff and Adam next year and I really hope Brittany and Britt can make it over to our house a lot cause otherwise I'm going to have a really lonely year next year.

- We've got the dorm floor barbeque today, intermural flag football championships tomorrow, and then comes final week and Thursday when everything is over. And then the summer...


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