Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Its What I Love About Sunday

- Its a new week. And thank God. Post surgery almost killed me. I was bored out of my mind and all the things that I used to do to keep myself busy when I was alone before college just didn't cut it. I just sat around on my butt for a couple of days counting down the time untill Brittany and Britt visited. It was so amazing to see them. They brought me Jello and icecream sandwiches and we just hung out and laughed like we did when we were still dorm mates. Brittany even had the guts to stay till 1:30 when she had to work at 7 the next morning and had over an hour drive to get back home. There's not many more ways to make a person feel really loved than to sacrifice that much sleep and gas just to hang out. I can't wait to see them again this comming Friday.

- This week is for sure going to be better. Its already better and its only Sunday. I saw Court, Michaela, Tyler, Jenny, and Jon this morning and now I'm in charge of setting up some hang out time with ever one this week. I volunteered because I think I need practice at doing it but man its going to be tough with Courtney working weekends, Michaela working nights, and Jenny and Tyler working everything else in between but it'll be worth it. I had a little bit of guy time too with Cliff, Tyler, Shaun, Austin, and Jon playing basketball. And me, Cliff, and Tyler are going to the driving range tomorrow and my surgery is going to fit somewhere inside of all this mess. It feels good to have a social life again. I miss college and hanging out on my 20 dollar couch playing Super Nintendo or going to Durrell or basketball games and just the concept of always having something to do.

- Its ok though. Home has things college doesn't. Like my car. My beautiful car blasting music over my beautiful CD player on a beautiful day with the windows down. Its what life is all about.


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