Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Facebook Feed is Not That Big of a Deal

- I think that one of the biggest differences between college people and people in high school is that everyone in college has an opinion on everything and they all think that thier opinion is king. For example, facebook recently changed its format by adding a feature that is a little to useful and, I agree, is cluttersome and unnecessary, but two hours after it launched it seemed like a crusade was born against it that caused whoever didn't think the change was such a bad thing to be scorned and labeled as a stalker. Another was the schools recent removal of Fum's song, a relatively new tradition started last year that included playing a song written by a famous alumni that made fun of our schools rivals between the third and fourth quarter. The athletic department deemed it inappropriate and unPC and removed the song from the jumbotron. Now, I disagree with the decision very strongly, but I also disagree with the headhunting counter movement by the student body that included a lot jibbering and complaining and selling of tee-shirts, but little actual substance focused on bringing the tradition back. It seemed most of the complaining was just people enjoying the sound of thier own voices. And, ironically, the crusade was over as quickly as it began when Steve Irwin died and everyone shifted thier focus to making memorial groups for him and, go figure, selling Steve Irwin RIP tee-shirts. Its sad that he died, but hes just a person and I doubt there's anybody that will be sitting at home some Saturday afternoon and go, man, I really miss Steve Irwin and the HUGE impact he has on my life. There's obviously a very powerful, though very erratic, strength in people comming together in numbers, I just wish all this frustration and drive would dirrected in a dirrection a little more useful and fruitful instead of complaining about facebook or other, trival things.

- I recognize that that whole rant itself was nothing more than an opinion and thats fine with me. You can agree or disagree with me, its no skin off my back. I just needed to vent my frustration with this culture of complaining that seems to be the status quo these days. Thats my two cents.

- On a different note, things are settling into a more comforatable pattern here. My class workload is getting a little more intense which is bad for me because when I have more to do I usually am less willing to just sit down and get it done. I'm still shooting for straight A's this semester though so I'll have to get my butt in gear and just do it. My first wave of tests is rapidly approaching; next week to be exact.

- I'm really enjoying off campus life. Adam works a lot and is gone a lot so I don't get a lot of hang out time with him, but me and Jeff have been spending a lot of time together recently. We mesh well and have a lot of fun together. Laura and Keri snuck up on our roof one night and scared the crap out of us when we got home, but in the process they discovered how great a place the roof was for hanging out. After we all went to Walrus for icecream, the three of us just hung out and bonded on the roof watching the stars for three hours. I discovered I'm really easily entertained and just hanging out doing nothing with people I love for hours on end is my ideal activity. Thats what me and Brittany's Super Nintendo marathons are all about. Just shooting the breeze and making memories.

- This weekend is going to be amazing. I've got plans on going home and visiting my family which after almost a month of very little contact will be much needed. I love them and they're always going to be there for me and I want to make sure I keep that bond strong. And of course theres the big game this weekend. CU vs. CSU. I want so bad for the Rams to win this one and this year, I actually think they can do it. Texas plays Ohio State this weekend and I'm already setting my self up for heartbreak. Its been about 2 years since they last lost and I forgot what that agony feels like. They stand a chance to beat them but I don't know how much of that game my heart is going to be able to take.

- So all in all nothing is really new with me. Life is good and I'm just biding my time. Its nothing like the adventurous streak I had going my senior but its alright.


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