Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Oh Yeah, I Love it Here

- I love Fort Collins and the people that are up there a huge amount and they mean to me more than I can say, but FoCo will always be the second home to me behind Aurora. On a strange whim I decided to come home this weekend and I remembered as soon as I set foot in the door why.

- The drive was uneventful highlighted by a beautiful sunset and a CD mix I made a couple months ago that I actually really really like.

- My parents were alright with the piercing, my mom said it made me look too "punk" but as I expected they were ok with it though they didn't like it. I sat there with them just talking about this, that, and the other for a good two hours.

- I saw Julie and Jenna which made me happy. They may be getting older and even though they are, it doesn't seem like they're changing. Thats a good thing. After that, Jessie and I took off for bowling with Austin, Jon, Jacinda, Jana, Stephen, and Jons roomate Joel. Thats about as good of a group of my friends as you're gonna find without the people at college to far away to come to. It was amazing. I really don't like bowling that much but with these people its great.

- Jessie's all grown up too. Of all my sisters, I think she and I are most alike which actually leads to most of our bickering. I want her to chose CSU, but shes really motivated and will probably end up at Mines or DU. I think all three schools would treat her well and at least shes not looking at CU.

- Overall I've got a pretty packed weekend. Its going to be relaxing at the same time though. I need to find some time to just kick back and recharge and get ready for my next couple weeks of school. I also need to find time to write my massive speech and make a killer visual aid to go along with it. Stupid school won't leave me alone even when I'm away.

- All I'm in a good mood cause good times are ahead of me.


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