Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, December 11, 2006

Library Thoughts

- There's only finals week left in my third semester at CSU and as I sit in this amazingly soft library chair going over the review study guide for my speech final, it still hasn't hit me that I'm almost halfway done in my time here. It all seems to be going too fast. I love everything about it up here from the friends I've made, to the streets I walk, to this beautiful town I've spent more time exploring this semester. I love the mix of responsibility and margin of error my parents provide for me as I make inevitable mistakes. I've got good friends, a loving family, a great girlfriend, a secure future, and all the opportunities in the world ahead of me. I've never been happier in my life than this time I've spent in college so far and thats really something because all things considered, I've had a pretty happy life. Sure, there are always those things that I wish could have been different, but when you're sitting in a spot similar to mine, there's not very much room for complaining. Really, there's no point to this post beyond me taking a second out of typically stressful finals studying to reflect on how good I've got it. God's blessed me considerably and I don't take enough time to just sit and be greatful.


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