Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Monday, January 22, 2007


- So after 3 hours of class and 4 four hours studying and reading in the library, I'm suprisingly feeling real good about my classes. Sure I'm going to be taking 18 killer credits and my classes are tough, but contrary to first impressions, I'm really interested in everything I'm taking. All that time spent in the library reading roughly 100 textbook pages seemed to fly by cause I actually cared about everything I was reading. It may be all talk since it was the first time this semester doing any serious studying but it helps when I walk away from such a situation with a good impression.

- Otherwise things are good. Things keep happening everyday that a couple of years ago would have started a storm in my life but I've learned how brushing things off and taking things in perspective can smooth everything. As always I need to do a proverbial knock on wood because maybe I've just been real lucky so far but its amazing how much drama is in the mind.

- I'm in a weird place right now. It's hard to explain and it's really not necessary to. Sometimes I feel like I'm no different than the dad in Big Fish, living a spectacular life patched together from a collection of memories, stories, and ideas. And stranger still, I love every second of it. People commonly talk about extraordinary acomplishments they need to die happy. For whatever reason I'm there, granted I'm not ready to die and have so much I want to acomplish. Its a good feeling being fulfilled in day to day life though.

- Sometimes I'm too obnoxiously philosophical even for my own taste and if that bothers you I'm sorry. I said it before. 2007 is gonna be a big year for me.


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