Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Supa Swank

- Life is good. My mood got turned around upon the heralding of the potatoe games at MABC. There is something theraputic and reviatlizing about playing 500 with potatoes. When that dead vegitable hits the bucket and potatoe juice splashes all over the place and the potatoe split into a million parts, all my worries and cares just melt away. Its also benefitial that the weather is nicening up and I can wear sandles and shorts and feel the cool grass between my toes again. I'll have to remember this game whenever my mood is taking a nose dive.

- So I shoulda gone home and studied but instead I just screwed around until I went to bed. Sue me.

- The AP English test went over ok. Another nice day made it hard to focus but at least I was relaxed in my Diet Coke Lemon shirt, a pair of old shorts and flip flops that I left in the classroom electing to instead go about my buisness barefoot. Under penalty of death, I'm not supposed to discuss the contents of the test so I won't go in detail; partly because I don't the man that secretly reads this blog to invalidate my test, and partly because its not very exciting. After tests were over Jordan, Tim, Justin, and I went to Chipotle. It was such a nice day that we sat outside and just shot the breeze. Jordan decided he needed to go back to Math seeing as he was planning on skipping 4th but Justin, Tim, and I decided not to go in honor of Senior ditch day. 5-5-05 for those of you who are curious. Those guys are a lot of fun and I felt that my afternoon was well spent. By the time we were all finished I went home and napped for a couple hours with the window open and sunshining. I've got some sleeping in time tomorrow morning to because my AP Euro test is in the afternoon and hes not making us come to class in the morning. This is heaven ya'll. Life is good.


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