Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Phone Numbers and Class Scheduals

- The second half of my college career starts tomorrow. I feel older. And not just cause I'm entering part II of CSU. I actually feel that I've come a long way since a couple years ago. Things that were big to me just post high school have lost thier shine and others that used to scare aren't the things that get my heart pounding anymore. I'm not claiming maturity or even more maturity. Its just that I now have something I used to lack: experience. Its an amazing feeling that I'm a little more able to handle myself more in this new independence but depressing at the same time that I'm losing my childhood I've grown to cherish so much. I just hope don't lose sight of it entirely.

- Class tomorrow will be good. This semester has a ton of potential for adventure and I'm eager to dive into it. A little much needed perspective today reminded me not to get too far ahead of myself which I think will be the theme of the coming months.

- That and trying to tie up the loose ends I've kinda made for myself recently. We'll see how that goes.


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