Bad Teenage Poetry

Insignificantly Significant

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Thursday, August 23, 2007

"You need to buy the textbook" - All my professors

- I'm back in the swing of things. Back to my routine of class during the day, dinner, then going to the library all night. My out of classwork this semester is going to be intense. All 18 of my credits require about a chapter of textbook reading a night, and in addition to that many of them are going to give me homework as well. It's a lot of work but I think I'm prepared for it. Some of the information is interesting, some isn't but I discovered after two and half hours of textbook reading just flew by that when I get in study mode, not a lot can shake me and even the driest of matieral gets chewed up and swallowed.

- Really, the jist of it is I'm enjoying the semester and I haven't even done any of the fun stuff yet. I'm on two flag football teams to my suprise, one with Dustin and one with Mallory. My experience with intramural flag football has been quite up and down, but the coed nature of this league should help take some of the edge off. Football , specifically the big game, and Volleyball season are just around the corner as well as Jeff's college birthday party. A lot to look foward to.

- Tiffany's been talking about a roadtrip to Colorado. I feel bad that I haven't been as accessable to her as I should be but the nature of my phone plan and my history of sucking at the phone in addition to a few other things have made it difficult. I guess I won't worry about it too much. You just kinda gotta take things like this for what they are. It'd be cool if she came though.

- All in all, its just good to be back. I'm not taking that for granted quite yet.


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